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Senne Bonnaerens

Senne Bonnaerens

Enabling Millions of People to Enjoy Running for Life

Senne Bonnaerens is co-founder and CEO of OnTracx, a University of Ghent spin-off. During his PhD, he focused on modelling ‘mechanical’ load during running (i.e. the strain on muscles and bones). His research showed that excessive load is the biggest risk factor for sustaining injuries.

Typically, these loads are quantified in specialised, expensive labs, but OnTracx makes it possible to also measure them outdoors using sensor technology. Step by step, for each running session. This way, the science is no longer just accessible to the health professional, but also to the runner.

The ambition of OnTracx? Enabling millions of people to enjoy running for life. Because as an avid runner, overuse injuries are no stranger to Bonnaerens either. But in his own words, that only creates an even bigger drive to turn OnTracx into a success.

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