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Jelle Demanet

Jelle Demanet

Building XR Applications for the Purpose of Healthcare and Education

Jelle Demanet has a PhD in psychology and a special interest in XR, measurement technology and data science. In 2019, he founded HITlab (Human Interface Technology lab) at Howest, from where he manages a multidisciplinary team of education specialists, psychologists, occupational therapists, game developers and AI engineers. Their common goal? To research and build XR applications for a range of fields: healthcare, education, design, etc.

In 2021, Jelle Demanet also co-founded XR Valley, which brings together the various stakeholders of XR in Belgium. And last year, he co-authored the book Virtual Reality: From Hype to Reality – on the one hand an outline of the possibilities of VR, on the other an invitation to start using it yourself.

→ Connected Event
The Summit — Day 1